Wednesday 13 November 2013

FA's diving bans plan was blocked by the Premier League.. and referees themselves

Retrospective punishments could be in place NOW but it was feared clubs would demand replays of matches decided by dodgy penalties
Paying the penalty: Bans for diving were on the FA's agenda last summer
Paying the penalty: Bans for diving were on the FA's agenda last summer
Plans to ban divers this season were blocked by the Premier League AND referees.
Incidents in which Ashley Young of Manchester United and Chelsea's Ramires were accused of conning the officials have put simulation back in the spotlight in the last week.

And we can reveal plans to impose retrospective bans for diving were put forward by the Football Regulatory Authority to be introduced this season but were stymied by the Premier League, the Football League, the clubs - and the whistlers themselves.

The FRA is a Football Association subsidiary and members wanted to follow the example of Scotland, where divers can be banned if they get away with cheating in matches.

But when the move was put to the stakeholder group, which includes the top flight clubs and the referees body PGMOL, it was blocked.

Club chiefs, backed by the leagues, top flight bosses and refs’ head Mike Riley, argued that implementing the crackdown would be “setting a dangerous precedent”, and voted the idea down.
The fear expressed was that there would then be pressure for results of matches to be annulled in cases where a last-minute dive-won penalty proving decisive.

Wembley-based FA bosses have previously said they would consider a “regulatory response” to diving if it received the backing of the whole game.

Head of governance Darren Bailey has also insisted the FA will only act if there is no effort from the game as a whole to tackle diving.
Quizzed recently, Bailey said: “What we would like to see is, collectively, the game as a whole taking responsibility for getting rid of that. We would like to see the managers and players say ‘This is not acceptable’, and see it squeezed out.”

But, as we revealed last week, the unprecedented change in rules to prevent a recurrence of the situation where Fernando Torres went unpunished for his scratch on Jan Vertonghen was pushed through by the FRA without the approval of the clubs.
New FA chairman Greg Dyke could opt to push for a similar stance on diving, but not before the summer.

If he did, he would get the backing of Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, who insisted on Friday, 24 hours before the Ramires incident against West Brom: “If, because of diving, a football result is directly affected, I think the players should be punished, yes.”


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